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  1. 郵便番号検索API利用規約 「郵便番号検索API利用規約」(以下、「本規約」といいます)は、株式会社アイビス(以下、「当社」といいます)が運営する 「zipcloud」(以下、「本ウェブサイト」といいます)のAPI(アプリケーション・プログラミング・インタフェース)(以下、「本API」といい.
  2. ZipCloud offers online, business hours, and 24/7 live support. The ZipCloud software suite is SaaS software. ZipCloud is cloud storage software, and includes features such as access control, backup, data synchronization, and file sharing. Software pricing starts at $7.61/month. ZipCloud offers a free version.
The concept of the JDI backup team, is encapsulated in the name ZipCloud. It gathers your important data, compresses it in order to send it to secured cloud server through heavy encryption to ensure utmost protection. It has provision to be accessed and sync with computer, mackintosh, iPhone, iPad, blackberry or android devices making it a “Cloud for All” service.
ZipCloud offers an easy to navigate desktop application combined with an efficient and nominal design to increase performance, it is quite right when they say ‘set it and forget it’. Unintrusive and User friendly control panel add up another star to ZipCloud’s performance chart.
With unlimited backup storage breaching the norm for end users to decide on valuable data, supplemented with their brilliant technical team and extremely helpful user-guide as good support is something what everyone values a lot, all just for $ 4.95 per month ZipCloud turns out to be great value for the money.
ZipCloud is equally convenient and efficient from the perspective of an individual catering its needs to backup documents, photos, and all media files with any format, as well as for the organization which requires which requires automated sync preferences on multiple computers at different locations.

Launched in 2011, ZipCloud is often mislabeled as the identicaltwin of JustCloud. While the sites and services are quitesimilar, however ZipCloud's prices are also notably lowerthan those of JustCloud. If you're in the market for reliableand affordable online backup software, read this ZipCloud review todetermine if this is the solution you've been lookingfor.

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ZipCloud offers three paid packages; the Home Plan, the PremiumPlan and the Unlimited Plan which are priced as follows:

Payment TermHome PlanPremium PlanUnlimited Plan
1 Month$5.56$6.36$7.96
6 Months$4.76$5.56$7.16
Total: $28.56Total: $33.36Total: $42.96
12 Months$3.96/month$4.76/month$6.36/month
Total: $47.52Total: 57.12Total: $76.32
24 Months$3.59/month$3.96/month$5.56/month
Total: $86.16Total: $95.04Total: $133.44

ZipCloud customers can pay by PayPal, Visa, Mastercard orAmerican Express. The company does not accept payment by cashor check.

A limited free trial version of ZipCloud is also available,though users can only sync up to 15MB of data and can only backupfiles sized 2MB or less and the trial will only function for 14days.

The company does not publish the pricing for its business planclearly on its website, but we contacted the customer servicecenter (see below) to get the scoop on the business pricing.

ZipCloud business users can choose between four payment plansand three amounts of storage to ensure that they'll have a planthat best meets the needs of their business.

ZipCloudZipcloud mac removal
100GB Plan250GB Plan500GB
1 Month$15.99$27.99$39.99
3 Months$14.66/month$25.33/month$37.33/month
Total: $28.56Total: $75.99Total: $111.99
6 Months$79.98/month$23.33/month$33.33/month
Total: $79.98Total:$139.98Total:$199.98
1 Year$12.00/month$21/month$30.00
Total: $144Total: $252Total:$360


ZipCloud offers a range of features designed to attract bothstandard computer users and those who require the heavier storagethat businesses demand. ZipCloud offers the same range offeatures to both its business and standard users, and the primarydifference between the packages is the amount of storageavailable. Standard users receive 1GB of storage with a paidaccount while business clients receive 100GB of storagespace.

FeatureFree VersionPaid Version
Automatic backupOnce dailyOnce daily
File Versioning
Access fromanywhere
Sync of multiplecomputers15mb1GB
File sharingcapability
Mobile accessiPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry

The features offered by ZipCloud are relatively standard, butwhat sets the company apart is the convenience with which eachfeature can be accessed. ZipCloud's website shows visualexamples of how each mobile app looks so that users can get a feelfor it before downloading, and a regularly updated event log letsyou see how your files were saved at a glance. File sharingis done quickly and conveniently through the sync feature, whereusers can post their files to social networking sites such asTwitter and Facebook, or share via email with a selectaudience.

The ability to backup a user's files manually is another featurewhich is noteworthy though hardly unique. Still, users whowant to know that they have complete control of their backups willappreciate the ease with which this task can be achieved usingZipCloud.

Of specific convenience is the ability for users to access theirfiles from any computer or mobile location. ZipCloud's mobileversion is geared to users at all technical levels which is amarked achievement in an age when many mobile applications aresuited more to experienced cell phone users. Easeus data recovery wizard free edition 5.0 1 download.

The sync feature is also one of the standout features offered byZipCloud as it enables users to transfer, view and share filesbetween multiple computers with the click of a button. Usersneed only to drag the desired file into the folder and it willautomatically appear in the sync folder of the other computers setup to receive the sync. Overall, we found the no-frillsnavigation offered by ZipCloud to be completely refreshing. While other software companies overcomplicate their offerings toseem more impressive, the beauty of ZipCloud is in the way itmerges efficiency with simplicity.

Storage Space

When it comes to storage space, users should understand thatZipCloud offers different capabilities for file syncing and filestorage. Though new users may be confused by all of theoptions, it's helpful to note that users can upgrade their accounteasily anytime they have the need for additional storage space.

PlanSync SpaceStorage Space
Free Plan15MB2MB
Home Plan1GB75GB
Premium Plan1GB250GB
Unlimited Plan1GBUnlimited Storage

Users are also given 1GB of sync space, an allowance that can beincreased for an additional fee.


ZipCloud's website also touts the company's business plan whichprovides up to 100GB of storage space, though the price for thispackage is not immediately evident anywhere on the site, which is abit frustrating.

Ease of Use

Like JustCloud, ZipCloud flaunts an extremely user-friendlywebsite that makes registration and setup extremely simple. Unlike many other software services which require users to create acomplicated password or to click on a confirmation link beforedownloading, ZipCloud lets users register and download immediatelywithout having to check their mail, saving time and reducing thehassle of the setup process. Additionally convenient is thatusers can login immediately via Facebook if they don't wish tocreate a unique ZipCloud account. This convenience cancertainly eliminate the headache of having to remember yet anotherusername and password.

During the download and setup process ZipCloud's websiteprovides a clear, step-by-step guide of how to download thesoftware, something which is likely unnecessary for savvy computerusers, but can make things significantly easier for those who areunfamiliar with the download process.

After the software is installed users are directed to choose thefile they wish to backup so that they can secure their filesinstantly.


We truly appreciated that ZipCloud informed us of what time thenext backup would be and how much storage space we'd used. What we found a bit strange was that the popup screen said that ourfiles weren't protected. When we pressed the 'protect now'button, however, nothing happened. As a result, we didn'tfully understand why the files weren't protected. Still,since we had already received a confirmation of the most recentbackup, we felt confident that the files were protected and backedup sufficiently.


ZipCloud uses the latest 256bit AES security to ensure thatevery file it backs up is completely secure. This form ofsecurity uses a complex encryption method that is also relied uponby the United States government to secure its top secretdata. Pcstitch 11 unlock key. All files are stored in Virginia in Amazon s3 datacenters.

Customer Support

ZipCloud does not provide any customer support by phone, but itdoes offer quick and helpful support via email. LikeJustCloud, ZipCloud claims that 95% of all email inquiries receivea response within 2 hours. Outlook express for windows 7 with crack. We emailed ZipCloud at 1:35pm ESTon a Tuesday afternoon, and received a response in just over onehour, which was a truly impressive response time.

Tech savvy users can also contact the company via its Facebookand Twitter pages, both of which tend to post responses to users'inquiries in a timely fashion.

Users or interested consumers looking for information that doesnot require a personal response can also browse the company'sthorough help center which includes explanatory videos andstraightforward responses to dozens of frequently asked questionswhich are broken down into sections so that visitors can find theirdesired answers quickly and easily. The help center alsoincludes a search feature which provided relevant answers to all ofour trial searches.


Positive Features

  • User-friendly platform
  • Top notch security and reliability
  • Runs comfortably without slowing down the user's computer