Winter Garage Sale

Winter Yard Sale Tips

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Prime yard sale season is winding down in most parts of the country, however, there are some advantages to having a yard sale during the winter months. The weather may be cooler in November, December & January, but two things are certain: yard sale shoppers still have money to spend and you still have things to sell. This means it’s time for a yard sale regardless of the weather! We’ve come up with a few reasons to convince you that having a yard sale during the winter months is a great idea.

1. Less Competition – On any given Saturday during the summer months, there are dozens of yard sales going on. This means shoppers have to pick and choose which ones they attend during the designated yard sale hours. By having a yard sale during the winter months, you won’t be competing with dozens of other yard sales. BONUS: You’ll make the hard core yard sale shopping community happy that they don’t have to wait until spring to get their yard sale fix.

2. Earn money for Christmas – Christmas is just a few weeks away, and what better way to earn some last minute holiday shopping money than to sell items that you no longer need or use. You can easily earn a few hundred dollars at a yard sale which will certainly help you out when you are doing your holiday shopping.

3. Make room for new stuff – Speaking of Christmas presents, you are probably going to be getting some new stuff for Christmas and you’ll need room to store those things! Head over to your closets, basement and attic crawl spaces, pull out whatever you don’t need or use and have a yard sale. Then after Christmas, you’ll have plenty of space to store your new items!

4. Chance to sell some Christmas decorations – Trying to sell Christmas decorations during the summer months, can be a bit of a hard sell. In July, no one is thinking about Christmas and you aren’t likely to get top dollar for ornaments and holiday decor. However, if you have a winter yard sale, and put our your Christmas decorations, you will be more likely to sell those items and for more money because people are shopping for those items right now.

Now that we’ve convinced you to start cleaning out your closets and put on a winter yard sale, here are some selling tips for hosting a yard sale in the winter.

1. Offer hot cocoa – Make your yard sale guests feel warm and welcome by offering some free hot chocolate.

2. Make sure the yard is clear of snow and leaves – You’ll want to make sure that yard sale area and walkways are clear of any snow and leaves. People will not want to trudge through wet & dirty leaves and snow to get to your sale.

3. If you have a portable heater, turn it on – Having a steady stream of warm air at your yard sale means that people will be able to enjoy your yard sale without the threat of feeling too chilly to stay and look around.

Having a Winter yard sale? Advertise it for FREE on

Presentation counts at an indoor garage sale. Via Shutterstock

WinterWinter park garage sale

I just sold a TV stand that my husband inherited from a roommate on Craigslist for $35 and now I want to have an indoor garage sale! (Read our tips to sell stuff on Craigslist). In most of the country for much of the year, it’s too cold to have anything but an indoor garage sale. If you’re cooped up and looking for something to do, you should organize your stuff and make a few bucks. Think of all the bargain hunters bored and looking for something to do!

Winter Garden Garage Sale


Here’s how to have an indoor garage sale.

1. Take inventory of everything you want to sell. Make the list as detailed as possible because later on you’ll use it to write a stunning post on Craigslist to advertise your sale. The more details you have – brands, dimensions, condition – the more folks will be enticed to stop by. Shoppers are unlikely to venture out of their warm homes for a “nice used couch,” but would be intrigued by a “gorgeous brown leather couch with little wear measuring 5 feet by 3 feet, including three cushions for $100.”

2. Clear out space. Really clear it out. You don’t want anything that’s NOT for sale to be in the sale area. Buyers will get confused about what is for sale and what isn’t, and you’ll get tired of saying, “no that amazing Star Wars ornament collection is not for sale.”

Wylie Garage Sale Facebook

3. Visually mark off the sale area. Upstairs off limits? Tie a rope across or leave a chair at the bottom of the stairs with a “closed” sign taped to it. A closed door will not stop everyone from opening it, so tape signs to closed doors so there is no doubt that the sale does not extend to that room.

4. Buy or make stickers and label the prices of everything. One time I held a sale where I had a $1 table, a $2 table and a $5 table. But the problem was that I forgot which items came from which table and had to rely on the memory and honesty of the garage salers for pricing. Not a good idea. What you save in stickers and time, you’ll lose in profits. By a lot.

Winter Haven Garage Sale

5. Get help. Depending on the size of your sale, you’ll need extra hands! Of course it is possible to hold an indoor garage sale all by yourself, but it’s a ton of work and will be more fun with others. To entice friends, tell them they can sell any of their own stuff at your sale.

6. Prep the sale ahead of time. Don’t wait until the morning of the sale to bring everything into the sale area. It actually takes several hours to bring everything out of your attic and basement and display it in a pleasing and accessible way. Put nothing on the floor unless you absolutely have to. Borrow folding tables, set things on counters and coat racks and shelves. Anything to prevent buyers from having to bend down. They won’t do it. Lay out your sale items the night before and sleep easy.

7. Advertise the sale. Craigslist is a must. Be as detailed as you can, itemizing as much as you can with details like brands, dimensions, condition, and more. People often search Craigslist for specific items “sewing machine” instead of “household stuff.” Include prices and pictures of as many items as allowed. If you have any vintage or rare items, give those extra space in your ad. Post your Craigslist sale on Friday and again Saturday morning so it’s near the top. Consider taking out an ad in your local paper and posting a free listing on

8. Prepare to run into celebrities at your garage sale. Opps! That’s only if you live in LA!

9. Plan to hear your doorbell ring a few minutes before your sale starts. Some people arrive very early to garage sales to get the best deals. As soon as foot traffic begins to drop off – this may be as early as 10 o’clock – slash your prices. Otherwise, you’re going to have a lot of unsold stuff to haul to Goodwill. Not fun.

Winter Garage Sale

10. Get change and lots of singles so you can break bills.

Have fun making money off your indoor garage sale!

Garage Sale Checklist

If you’re going to hold a traditional outdoor garage sale, read how to run a garage sale part I and how to run a garage sale part II.