Atomic Mass Of Manganese

  • Atomic mass of Manganese is 54.938049 u. Note that, each element may contain more isotopes, therefore this resulting atomic mass is calculated from naturally-occuring isotopes and their abundance. The unit of measure for mass is the atomic mass unit (amu). One atomic mass unit is equal to 1.66 x 10.
  • Gas Atomic Multiplicities: Space Group Number: Group: Speed of Sound: Isotope Abundances: Superconducting Point: Isotopes (All Known) Symbol: Isotopes (Stable) Thermal Conductivity: Lattice Angles: Thermal Expansion: Lattice Constants: Valence: Lifetime: Van Der Waals Radius: Liquid Density: Vickers Hardness: Magnetic Type: Volume Magnetic.
IsotopeAtomic mass (Da)Isotopic abundance (amount fraction)
55Mn54.938 043(2)1

Atomic mass of Manganese is 54.938049 u.

Manganese is a monoisotopic element and its atomic weight is determined solely by its isotope 55Mn. The Commission last revised the standard atomic weight of manganese in 2017 based on the latest Atomic Mass Evaluation by IUPAP.

53Mn is radioactive with a half-life of 3.7(2) Ma, too short for survival of a detectable amountof primordial isotope. However, 53Mn has been identified on earth as a cosmic-ray product and as a constituentof cosmic dust amounting to approx. one disintegration per minute per gram of manganese in sediment cores corresponding to an abundance of 3x10-13 Myob crack download. , much too small to affectthe standard atomic weight. Adobe photoshop cs3 key generator.

SOURCEAtomic weights of the elements: Review 2000 by John R de Laeter et al. Pure Appl. Chem. 2003 (75) 683-800
© IUPAC 2003


The Atomic Mass Of Manganese

Atomic Mass Of Manganese

Atomic Mass Of Manganese


What Is Manganese

Ar(Mn) = 54.938 043(2) since 2017
The name derives from the Latin magnes for 'magnet' since pyrolusite (MnO2) has magnetic properties.It was discovered by the Swedish pharmacist and chemist Carl-Wilhelm Scheele in 1774. In the same year,the Swedish chemist Johan Gottlieb Gahn first isolated the metal.